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A Chemist standing in front of market board with chemistry symbols


Complete two years at Motlow and save on tuition, then transfer.

Small class sizes to receive more individualized attention.

Four-year colleges want transfer students and many will offer scholarships for community college students.

Are you detail oriented, like conducting experiments, and have an analytical mind? Chemistry is one of the more popular genres of physical science. In its simplest form, chemistry deals with the physical composition and behavior of physical matter.

The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree prepares students for transfer to a university. It is a Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTP), which enables you to complete your degree at Motlow and then transfer to any Tennessee public university, and several Tennessee private universities, to complete your bachelor’s degree.

Motlow’s concentration in Chemistry qualifies you for transfer to any of Tennessee’s TTP university programs. Our A.S. degree will improve your communication, writing, research, and critical-thinking skills. Chemistry students often move to specific fields like organic, inorganic, physical, biochemistry or materials chemistry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual starting pay for chemists was $81,870. The top 10 percent earned $130,560, and the lower 10 percent had a wage of $42,960.

Explore More Pathways


The average starting salary for a chemist is over $80k per year.

A chemist working with beakers

Potential Careers 

  • Healthcare ($40-75k/year)
  • Quality Assurance/Control ($53k/year)
  • Forensic Scientist ($42-63k/year)
  • Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology ($47-105k/year)
  • Chemist ($57-80k/year)
  • Toxicologist ($35-47k/year)

Practical Experience 

As well as developing strong mathematical/numerical ability, a chemistry degree gives you transferable skills, including: 

  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Time management and organization
  • Written and oral communication
  • Monitoring/maintaining records and data
  • Teamwork
  • Research and presentation
  • IT and technology

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Find Your Future

Have you chosen a major? Is there a program of study that inspires you? Do you have your heart set on a particular degree? Motlow is here to help you find your future and craft a great career.

Start by choosing the credentials you want. Motlow offers:

  • Short-term certifications,
  • One-year diplomas,
  • 2-year associates degrees,
  • Associates degrees with embedded micro-credentials, and
  • Pathways to numerous bachelor degrees with majors in hundreds of programs. We have many additional articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution
  • We have articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution.

Use our program finder to explore all of the possibilities. Visit our transfer & articulations page to learn more about our partnerships with other universities. Explore your interests and aptitudes with our free YouScience tool.

Meet with one of our Admissions Counselors. Enroll and get assigned your very own Student Success Advisor.

The time is right. Call us today. It’s never been easier to find a scholarship and apply for aid to help pay for college. Our mission is your success, and we want to make exploring Motlow simple & free.

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