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Welcome to the Club for Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability, we would love your support in advancing our club activities!

If you are an ally or advocate for students who have disabilities, we would love to extend an invitation to join in being a part of our mission as well.

We are a new club. Our current work focuses on

  1. Membership development
  2. Establishing our club framework and signature events
  3. Creating our portfolio of storytelling assets and resources
  4. Developing subcommittee leadership that enables our vision
  5. Creating opportunities that cultivate the social growth and networking of our members
  6. Cultivating learning and leadership that supports the academic growth and career success of our members
  7. Forming friendships and bonds with bi-weekly meetings and monthly social gatherings on campus with games and activities


[email protected]

Join Us!

There is no membership fee.

Be a part of our founding development.

Contribute your voice to our developing vision.

Achieve accomplishments to add to your resume!

Sign-up Form

The Club Mission:

Our mission is to advance the academic, social, and career interests of students with both permanent and temporary disabilities at Motlow State. We advocate for all uniquely-abled students to collaborate in advancing the college's mission of student success and workforce development.

Club Goals:

Our goal is to ensure that Motlow has visible and engaged advocates for all students, promoting equal opportunities for participation in all aspects of campus life. We aim to play a collaborative role in developing partnerships that reach out to and liaison with all those interested in advancing the needs of students with disabilities and their allies. We also work to increase allies for students with disabilities and to advance the careers of allies interested in jobs in human service.

The Club Vision:

Our vision is a universally ADA accessible campus where programs, services, and environments engage all learners and allies. We envision a welcoming college environment that fosters belonging and enables all learners to thrive and achieve their academic goals.

Our Guiding Principles:

  1. We believe that all bodies and minds are valuable, and we celebrate the unique perspectives that each student brings to our community.
  2. We propose that disability is an opportunity to innovate, and not a burden to accommodate, and we strive to put uniquely-abled learners at the forefront of education innovation.
  3. We assert that disability is an innate part of the human experience. The engagement of students with disabilities is integral to achieving campus vitality.
  4. We acknowledge and honor each students’ lived experience regarding the constraints they must navigate do or do not define their personal story.
  5. We advocate for a voice in planning that affects our college experience and foster the principle of "Nothing about us without us." Decisions concerning disabled students should be made with disabled students engaged in the conversation.
  6. We believe that universal accessibility benefits everyone and that it helps all people live confidently knowing that human wellbeing is a priority at our College.
  7. We aim to make ADA accessibility a forethought, not an afterthought. We advocate for embedding accessibility considerations into the educational pre-planning and pre-design process.
  8. We assert that accessibility is both a responsibility and opportunity of the entire campus community.
  9. We advocate for openness to all learning, leadership, and career development opportunities for all learners.
  10. We call for the pursuit of a vibrant, campus life experience that where people with disabilities are warmly welcomed. We work to ensure that all students feel valued, supported and that they belong.
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