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Administrative Council Constitution Policy: 7:00:00:00


To provide a mechanism for administrators to discuss concerns and issues of general interest, therefore empowering them to expedite decision-making, the Administrative Council of Motlow State Community College establishes this Constitution.


  1. Functions
    1. To provide a forum for and make recommendations concerning
      1. Improvement/maintenance of open communication among administrators;
      2. Empowerment of administrators;
      3. Improvement and innovation among administrators; and
      4. Suggestions and recommendations to the appropriate campus entity.
    2. Other issues which may be deemed appropriate and timely by the membership.
  2. Structure and Membership
    1. The Administrative Council shall consist of:
      1. One (1) representative for each seven (7) full or part-time administrators or major portion thereof. (Representatives shall be selected by each organizational unit of the College – Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, Information Technology, Student Affairs); and
      2. Any unit with fewer than four (4) administrators will combine with the unit having the least members. If this combined group is under (7) administrators, they will be allowed to vote for one (1) representative at large.
      3. Ex-Officio members as the Council shall specify.
    2. Representatives shall be selected according to the following criteria:
      1. Representatives shall be elected from the full and part-time administrative staff members in their organizational unit. Representatives are elected for one-year terms; however, they may be re-elected by their peers.
      2. If an administrative representative cannot attend a meeting, he/she may appoint an alternate with full privileges to act in his/her absence.
      3. Members shall be elected each June and will assume duties in the new fiscal year.
      4. Vice Presidents shall serve as ex-officio members as decided by the Council.
    3. Officials of the Administrative Council shall be:
      1. A chair, chair elect, and secretary shall be elected annually in July and will assume office with the following meeting of the new fiscal year.
      2. A parliamentarian may be elected at the request of the newly elected chair, or the chair elect may serve in that capacity.
      3. The elected officials of the Council are limited to two (2) one-year (1-year) terms in any given office but shall be eligible for re-election to the Council.
      4. The officials of the council shall function as the Steering Committee.
    4. Representatives and officials shall perform the following functions:
      1. Representatives
        1. Serve as liaisons between their divisions and the Administrative Council in disseminating information and soliciting responses.
        2. Present division proposals and discussions on the issues.
        3. Elect Council officials
        4. Serve on Council Committees as appointed.
      2. Chair
        1. Presides over meetings of the Council
        2. Establishes the agenda and provides a copy for each member in advance of all regularly scheduled meetings.
        3. Calls special meetings as needed.
        4. Appoints Council committees
        5. Serves or appoints representatives to serve on councils and committees as appropriate to the office.
      3. Chair Elect
        1. Acts for the chair in his/her absence or at his/her request.
        2. Assists the chair in the performance of his/her duties
      4. Secretary
        1. Records, prepares, and distributes the minutes of meetings, with amendments or corrections, to the President, the Faculty Council Chair, the Support Staff Council Chair, and to all administrators and maintains a permanent record of such.
        2. Prepares and maintains an official membership list of the Council from which roll call votes may be made.
        3. Prepares an annual report which consists of the minutes of each Administrative Council meeting, pertinent documents, attachments, etc., which will be maintained by the Secretary of the Council.
  3. Procedures
    1. Meetings
      1. Regular Meetings
        1. The Administrative Council shall meet at least once each calendar semester. Meetings shall be open to representatives and visitors. However, visitors have no vote and may exercise floor privilege at the discretion of the chair or the approval of a majority of the Council.
        2. The chair shall submit an agenda to each representative before the beginning of each meeting.
      2. Called Meetings
        1. Meetings may be called by the chair or by a majority request of the Council members. Adequate notification of two (2) working days shall be given.
        2. The President of the College, or his/her designee, and the chair of the Administrative Council may jointly call emergency meetings on the short notice. All members shall be notified of all called meetings.
    2. Voting
      1. All business shall be decided by a simple majority of the total council members present, the chair voting, except the approval of constitutional amendments and bylaws, which shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Council.
      2. Voting privileges shall be limited to elected divisional representatives or their alternates in their representative’s absence.
      3. Voting shall be by open voting except the election of officers, which shall be by ballot.
      4. Nominations for new officers will be made at the June meeting. Names of the nominees will be sent in the form of a ballot or via email to each representative. The ballots should be marked and placed in an envelope, sealed, and returned to the Council chairperson by the designated date. The officers will meet to open the envelopes, count the votes, and notify the new officers in writing.
      5. Any voting Council member may at his/her discretion call for a roll call vote.
    3. General Procedures
      1. In all maters of procedure not specified herein, Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall be applied.
      2. Each meeting shall be adjourned upon a motion made, seconded, and passed.
      3. All recommendations receiving a majority vote are sent in writing to the President of the College, or his/her designee, for action. The President, or his/her designee, will respond in writing to the Council within ten (10) working days.
  4. Amendments
    1. Proposal of Amendments shall be
      1. Proposed by a representative of the Administrative Council;
      2. By petition of ten (10) percent of the Administrative staff; or
      3. By a request of the administration through the President of the college or his/her designee.
    2. Procedure
      1. Amendments shall be presented in writing at open meetings of the Administrative Council.
      2. An amendment shall be voted on by the council at the next meeting following its proposal. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Council shall be required for approval.


  1. Bylaws may be changed or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council.
  2. At the discretion of the chair or a majority vote of the Council, an invitation to attend Council meetings may be extended to the President, Vice-Presidents, Deans and Directors when their areas of responsibility are under discussion by the Council. Likewise, a request by these individuals to attend meetings may be granted at the discretion of the chair or a majority vote of the Council.
  3. Whenever a matter ends in a tie vote, the Council will vote on it again at three (3) weekly called meetings. If the tie vote is not broken after three (3) votes, the matter is defeated.



Approved by President Dr. MaryLou Apple by February 10, 2010


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