Let us help you pay for college
Motlow believes that every person who wants to go to college should be able to go. Finances should not be a barrier for anybody with education goals. We are here to help meet your needs.
Make payments using a credit card or electronic check through your MyMotlow account on the student tab. Pay online or set up your Payment Plan (payment plans are not available for summer semesters).
For Pell Grant, SEOG, TSAA, Hope Lottery, TN Reconnect, TN Promise, and other financial aid eligibility questions, please visit the Financial Aid Office.
Complete the FAFSACompleting the FAFSA is your first step
Financial AidThe Financial Aid office has the answers
ScholarshipsThere is money available to qualified students
Types of AidAssistance with tuition, books, fees, and expenses
Graduate Debt-FreeAdditional resources help fill the financial gaps
Withdrawal ProcessWithdrawing from class affects your financial aid
The Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect scholarship make it more possible than ever to graduate from Motlow debt-free.
If you do not qualify for either of those state scholarships, there are other avenues to pay for college, including Motlow scholarships, tuition payment plans, internships, apprenticeships, and other federal and state programs.

Students who qualify for the Tennessee Promise program attend Motlow tuition-free. Complete the Promise application and follow the requirements.
The Tennessee Promise provides Tennessee high school graduates the opportunity to go to Motlow tuition-free for up to a total of five semesters. Please meet all Motlow and tnAchieves deadlines and eligibility requirements to receive the Tennessee Promise Scholarship.

Students who qualify for the Tennessee Reconnect program attend Motlow tuition-free. Complete the Reconnect application and meet the requirements.
Tennessee Reconnect is an initiative to help more Tennessee adults enter higher education to gain new skills, advance in the workplace, and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential. If you are over 24 years old, don’t have a college degree, and have lived in Tennessee for at least one year, you are likely eligible for the Reconnect scholarship.

You and your family have protected our freedom. Now Motlow is here to assist you in completing your educational goals.
Motlow's Veterans Affairs office helps assist veterans and eligible disabled veteran's dependents in requesting educational assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Get an early start to college credits with Motlow’s Dual Enrollment or Middle College program.
Motlow has more high school Dual Enrollment students than any community college in Tennessee. Take classes at your high school or at any Motlow campus. High school students can actually graduate with a degree from Motlow State at the same time as they graduate from High School (some even finish Motlow before High School graduation). Dual enrollment students can even get an entire degree free in mechatronics.

Motlow has dozens of scholarships you can apply for. We make it easy with a one-stop application.
In addition to the one-stop application, external scholarships and program-specific scholarships are available. Depending on your program of study, you may have the opportunity to apply for additional funds.